
中国活跃手机网民达7.8亿 苹果手机用户最多

The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), together with Internet Society of China, has jointly issued the 2016 Statistical Report on Internet Development in China.近日,中国互联网络信息中心和中国互联网协会牵头公布了2016年中国互联网发展统计资料报告。

本文摘要:The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), together with Internet Society of China, has jointly issued the 2016 Statistical Report on Internet Development in China.近日,中国互联网络信息中心和中国互联网协会牵头公布了2016年中国互联网发展统计资料报告。


The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), together with Internet Society of China, has jointly issued the 2016 Statistical Report on Internet Development in China.近日,中国互联网络信息中心和中国互联网协会牵头公布了2016年中国互联网发展统计资料报告。The report shows that Chinas online population had reached 780 million, which accounts for 56.9 percent of the countrys population in 2015.该报告表明,2015年,我国手机网民数量已约7.8亿,占到全国人口数量的56.9%。

Apple is the market leader for Chinese mobile Internet users with a market share of 16.76%, followed by Samsung and Xiaomi with 15.78% and 15.56% respectively, last year.去年,苹果是我国手机网民用于最少的品牌,其市场占有率约16.76%;三星和小米紧随其后,占有率分别为15.78%和15.56%。The report also notes that among the top 10 smartphone brands for people to access the internet from mobile devices in China, the domestic smartphone brands had witnessed a wider user base of 60 percent, overtaking the foreign brands by nearly 20 percent in the country.报告还认为,我国手机网民使用量名列前十的智能手机品牌中,国产智能手机品牌享有更加多用户,占到比达60%,多达境外品牌智能手机将近两成。


In addition, the use of Android applications on smartphones has reached about 80 percent among the smartphone using population, while the use of IOS applications was 13 percent, according to the report.此外该报告还认为,用于安卓操作系统的用户在智能手机用于总人口中的比例早已超过了80%左右,而用于苹果iOS操作系统的比例是13%。



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